i'm funny.

it's funny.
a while ago now, i had this day where i kept getting nudged to text this friend of mine. And i kept brushing it off because i kept thinking "so out of the blue? i have no reason to text him at the moment". Not that i didn't want to, but i didn't wanna have small chat for no reason. I hadn't talked to him in a few weeks and he wasn't the kind of friend i have small chat with. He's the kind I'd have a decent conversation with.
Anyways, so it comes to the evening and i still didn't text him. I wound up at the park, on the swings, where i usually do when I'm killing time or just want to think (fun fact: i have a fetish for swings) and i pull out my phone and i hear that little voice at the back of my head again "text him". So finally i decide to shut this voice up and see what happens, if there's a reason for me to text him. So i do.

"Hey what's up, I had the urge to text you today, haha not totally sure why"

But it was his reply that made me laugh.

"Hey, that's so funny, at work today i kept getting this feeling that you were going to text me today"

And it occured to me that God was playing with me. See, I look for humor in a guy. It's probably one of the more important things to me. This friend of mine is hilarious and passionate about God, so i think God was saying to me "see, I can be funny too, look for my humor". It sucks. when God starts trying to get your attention again eh.


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