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do you believe in coincidences?....
I don't. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Always have. Like the urge to call a friend at 2am just to make sure something wasn't wrong, or the number i hate thinking about coming up over and over...especially right after i called that friend and right after thinking about something.
Maybe that number has different purposes than i realized. Maybe the number comes up whenever there is trouble, and i've been interpreting this all wrong. Why is this number in my life so much? Is God trying to tell me something?...what does it mean? I don't believe in coincidence. 
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memories enrich our lives

memories are not just thoughts. memories are not just pretty pictures of the past that appear in your head from time to time. No. memories can be the bliss of success, the smile of something funny, the guilt of your first lie, the pain of a significant death, the brokenness of your first love, the frustration of failure, the anger of an argument... They live as real in the present as they had in the past. But the thing is, they live inside of us. That's the only difference between where they first occurred, and where they occur now. But the reality of it still being there in our lives keeps us in a place that allows our actions and decisions to mature. It keeps the smile on our face, or our heart from being broken again, and allows us to make decisions based on the outcomes of the past rather than our current state of mind. In essence it means moving on, and moving on means leaving a part of you you behind, and taking a piece of the past with you, so that when you look back, you're reminded of who you were and you you became. 
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i love how blogging has swept over the school this year. I started one back in grade nine, and deleted the posts i had on there because it was too painful for me to look back on, and also because someone found my blog. But then circumstances in my life caused me to bring my blog back to life...and honestly its been an addiction. It was after two of my closest friends told me they had blogs as well, so i wasn't afraid to let them know i had one too. I always thought blogs were gay...they were these secret websites emo kids posted their feelings on, but it became a way in which me and my friends actually saw inside each other's heads. Now I see everywhere that people have "blogger", its pretty funny to see that so many people are becoming "sentimental", but also makes me smile that people aren't afraid to express themselves. 
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ima do it bigger than a 5-ex
Can’t ride with an L, so I don’t drive lex
Games so bickery, so full of trickery
Nursery, rhyming, hickory, dickory
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training wheels.

i learnt that falling is the hard part about love, or even liking someone. because the whole way down you're screaming "shoot shoot, stop stop stop" but it's like being on a bike and having it go out of control. You see the end result coming...the gravel pavement below...and you just have to brace yourself for the impact. But eventually you learn to ride your bike without falling. It doesn't mean that you'll always win, but it means that eventually you don't crash the way you used to when you fall. It means that you pick yourself up a little quicker each time, and get back on your bike. 
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facebook clean ups.

awake 08 jorge: that would be SO cool if there was someone named bates at a school, like a teacher. because then you could say "masterbates" 
melissa: OMG YOU KNOW HIM TOO?!  
(in the car driving home) kristie: can you move please melissa (looking back) 
melissa: why 
kristie: i need to be able to look out my rear
anon. (haha) 
"sooo i'm thinking I'll get mr. horban for my extended essay. so um, like ill ask him for some ideas, but i want an essay that will make me think" AAAHAHAHAHHAHAH  

natalie: good job melissa 
melissa: thanks nat....you mean in chapel? 
natalie:...well....i meant to say hi, but it came out good job. but yes that too 
melissa: "whatttt is cody doing?!!" (cody is hanging onto brandon's car as we drive) 
brandon: "trying to get some cleavage" 
melissa: "um...." 
brandon:"oh oh i mean LEVERAGE!"
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reality check.

man: how are your kids growing spiritually?
dad: how so?
man: well they're in sunday school every week
dad: well...two out of four
man: well the other two don't count

is this what it's come to?
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once upon a time...

i can pretend i've finally moved on
but the truth is a part of my heart is now gone
i know that's extreme
i know what you'll say
that my mr right
will come to me one day
but who waits for him
who even cares
when the one with your heart
won't give you theirs
do we mark down the days
where we meet our bright knight
do we turn away the ones
who don't come in white?
and what if we don't fall for the prince from the book
what if fall for the guy along the way
the one that didn't just sweep us away
but that listened and laughed and made us feel strong
and waited with us when the prince took too long
but they have their princess, and its just not you
but we sit there still and wait, for the dream to come true

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it's time to move on
time to turn the page
time to let him go
time to get off stage
it's time to move on
time to forget he's there
time to show this boy
that someone's gonna care
if she didn't show up at school
if she had the saddest day
if her heart breaks in half
if she has something to say
it's time to move on
he'll always be around
but sometimes walking on
show's she hasn't hit the ground
that she's walking on both two's
that she's holding up her sky
so when he looks at her
she'll only pass him by.
it's time to move on
make him regret he never knew
that when she looked around
she was looking straight for you
make him see what she was worth
because sometimes she forgot
and when she finally let him go
she let go everything she was not
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