still i haven't learned my lesson well

it's everyone in this world has the same experiences, but in different ways. 
I mean, we all can relate to that same "story", but it's different in each circumstance still.
Isn't that where cliche's are born from??
what about this one "you don't know what you've got til it's gone"...Probably one of the most overlooked cliches i feel. We all agree on it right? but then we all still don't listen to it. We don't value what we have until it's gone, and then we miss it like crazy. And in fact somtimes this whole situation surprises us to the extent that we may realize feelings we didn't know were there, until it's gone. 
Maybe it's just me hating change though...when something's gone, or something changes, i fight hard to put it back the way it was cause i hate change. Who knows right? I'm just selfish like that i guess.

But lately, since, well...a death...I've realized the importance of people in lives, and how often we miss our chances to tell someone something. Who knows what time we have to tell someone something. And 9 time out of 10, we let it pass by and never tell them. And's too late. I just want those people to know how much i need them in my life. 


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