no shooting stars, no 11:11's..

i forgive way to easily... 

I wanna believe that's a good thing...and it is. It's something i'm proud of. I don't judge...a lot. I mean, that would be a lie to say i didn't EVER judge..right? but i don't think that i am a stuck up snob who believes in classification. That doesn't mean i get along with everybody either. Maybe i'm just as bad as the people i think are judgemental though...
my point is i wish that some things would change. I wanna believe that people have the good inside of them that they were born with. that it's all still there in everybody. that the small voice, no matter HOW small, is still whispering for the person to return to the way they REALLY are. everybody changes, based on peers, job, situation, etc. everybody gets by based on the mask they wear each day. But sometimes i wonder if all it takes is to ask someone to take off their mask. everybody knows they're wearing what if someone just said, "take off your mask"...would you?

By this i mean...everybody fails. Wether its gossip, drama, aggression, depression, drugs....whatever. Nobody can contain a secret effectively. In order to get even a close friend to keep one you have to sometimes BEG, you filter your words before you speak so that WHEN (not if..but when) it gets back to the person you talked about, it comes across nicely. Here i am wondering what would happen if everybody STOPPED. but then, i can't actually imagine that, because my whole life i've been faced with the chaos of a bubble. But everybody has a story. everybody has this wire running through them called their past that makes them run the way they do. Their hardware is their perception. I'm sorry to say, but underneath the people that suck, are the people that wear no scars, no masks. unaffected, unchanged, undamaged. I wish for a moment i could see these people. 


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