rebel without a cause

you know when you know you want to say something, but when you open your're not sure what to say. You're not sure what's trying to escape, you're not sure what it is exactly that's even on your mind. But you feel this urgency to get something off your chest? I think we as humans have filters. The things that are socially acceptable come out, while the things not so acceptable, or embarrassing, or maybe just uncertain go through our filter. And i think that its those things that we filter out that sometimes nudge us. Except we've forgotten about them because they've been tucked away in a hidden place for so long that we've forgotten all about them. They're still there though...The urgent feeling that i need to say something i think is those thoughts trying to get out.
In acting we were always told to get rid of the filters and just let ideas come out as they were. Because if we filtered our ideas then we would eventually get stuck by going "no that's stupid...that too...that one's stupid too" and never say anything at all, or end up with a lame scene. I think that applies to life too. We spend so much time concealing what we really want to say and making sure everything comes out great, that we actually lose the scene. We lose the ability to be real and the ability to make people want to watch what we're doing.
And sometimes we lose the ability to really tell people how we feel. We filter it out because we're afraid that it will make us look stupid, when in reality, it could have given us a standing ovation.
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