my nike.

these are the times for taking risks. don't let the moment go.
I know everyone is probably done with the mellow dramatic emotions of "this is the 12" and feeling sentimental and deep. Everyone is probably just ready to party and have fun. to hell with being mad about stuff and just smile. But I don't think that makes a difference to what's actually going on. You'll still go through stuff, you still get sad, you still make decisions....just because you're saying screw problems, doesnt make them go away.
But i think this year is about taking chances. I can't even begin to tell you how much i've been thinking about it. It's been on my mind with a whole bunch of things. I honestly think its time to cut it all, let it go, and make a move. Take a risk. Step up. Speak out. because before you know it the moment will be gone and you'll be left with only a mystery of what it could have been. I know that this is unbelievably cliche but im just sitting here wondering how much more i could have done in my life if i had just DONE IT. if i had just screwed the insecurities and told myself that i could do it, it would be okay, and that no one would be there to judge me. Your biggest critic is YOU. so if you're really all that worried about what people are thinking it only means that doubt yourself and your abilities..not that other people do.
Out time is running out grads. I wanna leave a mark on the school ive been at my whole life. If i don't leave a mark then what have i left? a picture in the hallway amongst my classmates...amongst every. other. grad that has ever graduated from PA? i think the grads of 2010 got gyped a lot. but isnt that the recipe for success?...struggle? i know our grade has been through so much struggle. We got the short end of the stick for so many years, and then we also lost 1/3 of our grade because of cattiness and expulsions. Our grade just needs the chance to see how incredibly crucial it is to make the most of what we have. The time we have left, the people we have left, the memories left to be made. 8 months from now all we'll have are pictures and memories that make us smile, laugh, cry and even fume. But it's "those little things that we never noticed that we end up missing the most" (from joanne's incredibly great post secret book).
Last chance...step up. JUST DO IT.
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