i'm going to practice letting go...

friendship is like shoes. when you're growing up you constantly have to keep changing your shoes. The shoes you learn to walk in you eventually outgrow. The shoes you first run in, you eventually outgrow. The first pair of shoes with the flashing heels, you eventually outgrow. The heels break, the laces rip, the toe opens. You keep getting new shoes. When your feet stop growing, you have so many different kinds of shoes. You have the cute heels, the sophisticated kind you go out with, and then you have your neon heels, the party animal "lets go have fun" heels. You have your school shoes, your work shoes, and even your slippers. Sometimes people borrow your shoes, and bring them back destroyed. Boys steal them and throw them in the air, making you chase them around for your shoes back. And sometimes it takes a while. Best friends are those flats that you've had for ages. They're slightly worn, but still hold strong. You've jumped in puddles with them and they've gotten drenched, but still hold strong. You've ran down sidewalks with them at 2am, but they still hold strong. You shove them in your closet...they still hold strong for when you want to wear them again. But every girl needs to learn to walk barefoot. Feel the stones beneath her feet, walk on.
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