meet my friend, time.

I've known him for as long as i can remember. I can't say that we've always gotten along, but for the most part he's given me everything that i need. Of course there's been those days where i definately don't see him enough and there's not enough of him to go around because so many people want him, but there's also those days i see him too much and get so sick of him. But he's healed a lot of wounds for me, he's made me forget a lot of things i couldn't have forgotten without him. He's helped me get over a lot of crap, helped me forgive, helped me see straight again. It seems though that sometimes he's not there when i want him the most, he just slips away no matter how hard i try and hang onto him. Like in the blink of an eye he was there, and now all i have left is the jacket he left behind, or the pictures he gave me. He's kind of a bitch that way. Especially when i have a lot of work and i need him, he just figures he has better places to be and runs off. I take him for granted for sure though. I never really appreciate when he's there, i just complain when he's not. To be honest, i ignore him a lot when he's there. But i know that he'll be there for me over the years. No matter how many are left. That's the thing, and I'm worried for him, because I'm afraid something will happen to him. I'm afraid he'll leave me unexpectedly. But when he leaves, wether its when he's old and grey or whether it's by accident..I'm dreading that day. The day i say, "i don't have time". The day we'll say our goodbyes.
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