faces of unforgettable that slowly fade with time
today i saw joanne. so right off the bat there's something to blog about, cause that doesn't happen every day.....anymore :(lol but coming home i walked through PA because it's safer than walking around through the streets. At least there was a security guard on his bike there....funny thing eh? while pranking the school on the last night there was no security guard, but now in the middle of summer there is. hm. anyways the fact that PA is safe gave me a little heart tug to begin with and as i walked past the door looking down the gr.9 hallway i was tempted to stop, but i figured the security guard would be maybe slightly suspicious if some random was looking into the school at 10 pm on a saturday night. But that was a familiar hallway to me, and as i walked on i walked past the library, the empty cafeteria..i walked down the all to familiar pathway that had led me to chapel so many time...it was too familiar. And it's weird to think that in just over a month i won't be going back through those doors, won't be going to the lunch spot, won't be attending another chapel. wow i suck at change.
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