ghost of christmas past

i slept for a good 13 hours, could almost count it 14, but wow thats a very long sleep. i guess thats what i get when my longest sleep during the week could pass for a nap when it verges on 4 hours a night. i try to blame it on IB but IB is not the problem, my superb skill in procrastination is. Which is why i am failing so miserably. I guess i just wanted an excuse to blog because i hadn't in a WHOLE DAY!
A week ago i got a reminder from the past. it pulled me back there so fast that i totally forgot about everything i cared about in the present. Which was a good thing! Because it was the bad things in my present i forgot about. Some maybe not bad perse, but things i'd wanted to move on from. And where "going back" isn't moving still gave me the chance to forgot for a bit. Last year was one of the best and worst times of my life. I was pulled back to one of the best. The feelings became so real again, i wasn't connected to them again, but i remembered what they felt like, and it made me laugh a little to think of the person i used to be. It was like my ghost of christmas past. The reminder has faded a bit though, and i don't know if i'll get the chance to go there again. But i just wanted to say that although i did go back for a while, everything in my present haunts me again. But its not scary anymore...its reassuring.
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