
i have straight up been a bad friend lately. Not to everyone...but to a lot of people i care about, I have let walk out of my life, i have almost "pushed" out with my negligence and laziness. A simple "hey whatsup" text coulda solved it, or even putting aside an hour of homework to go out to coffee would have shown someone i DO care...because I DO!
What has it come to then? i think about the people so much, but its almost like i feel when i think i should talk to them, ...its as if i don't have the energy. Not because its a burden or a chore or any of that. NOT AT ALL! i dont even KNOW what it is, its something i need to work on for sure...i just feel so tired all the time.
but its the people that mean something to me...the ones who have made huge impacts in my life. Have i changed then? I agree that my friendship circles have changed again...I'm sorry. I didn't want them to change, i DON'T regret the closeness with the people I've become close with again, but I've walked out on a lot of people. I want to be there for them like they were there for me. i want them to be able to count on me!
..I'm sorry. I truly truly am.
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