its raining.

who woulda thought that not going to school would make me feel busier than i've ever been. Highschool was highschool. The days had more hours and that's maybe why it felt like everything was more spread out than it is today. But nowadays i feel like i'm running from one thing to the next. Two jobs, acting class downtown, studying my scripts and menus as i drive, trying to find volunteer jobs here and there, scheduling hangouts with people i haven't caught up with in forever...
but after the busy. After i come home and start my nightly facebook creeping...i realize that i've kept myself in this "go go go" state so that i don't sit down and realize all of the things that i miss about my old life. Is it bad to miss it? Does anyone else miss it? I mean, yes it was highschool. Highschool was highschool....but dreams seemed so much more concrete, friendships so much more absolute, tomorrows so certain.
hell yes im excited for life. Excited for every new adventure, every new friendship, every new goal...but i haven't "outgrown my old clothes, i don't want to throw them out, i just want the new clothes to add"


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