
i honestly cannot believe that you're leaving. It seemed like just yesterday we were in grade one, and i decided to be your friend because you were a loner jk jk :P But no honestly, i remember everything all so vividly like it was just yesterday that we were playing house on your bunkbed with the asian dolls your dad always brought you from china, or having picnics with raw mr noodles in your front yard, playing tag with nick buse cause he had a crush on you, playing boo boo land (and the frign wingding lol) getting called out most years for friendship issues...usually with me being the one in tears HAHA, to soccer practices in the rain and day trips to victoria island, "issue tissue" and drawing fashion girls in grade 4, making our "machines" and having lloyd put duck tape in my hair, to love notes from kenny....there's so much more.
and now you're off the university. this is unreal. we always talked about all this stuff....but differently. I can't believe you're leaving. Cassy I'm going to miss you so much you don't even know. You were honestly like a sister to me. You didn't put up with my shit, i didn't put up with yours, some years we fought like there was no tomorrow, and the next minute we knew exactly how each other's next sentence would finish...thanks for growing up with me, thanks for always being there for me, especially in my toughest situations. You have such a good heart. Honestly, you're always there for people, always ready to talk to someone, visit someone, bake cookies for someone, drive someone...whatever it may be. I can't wait to hear all your stories from university. <3
love you loser.
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