lesson learned

my mouth is my achilles heel. Sometimes i say things without thinking.....scratch that. I say a lot of things without thinking. I'm impulsive, and speak based on either emotion, or the conception that it's a good idea to say something, and don't really think about the consequences of it. Driving home from the mall with my dad though I realized that as angry as i could be at someone, or as frustrated as i could be at someone, sometimes it's better to just say "I'm sorry" or to make peace or to NOT say everything else you'd rather say. For a while i thought it was better to be open and honest with people, to not keep secrets or beat around a bush or to hide something, but i realized now that even if it's good to be honest with people....you should NOT be open with EVERYBODY. I'm not saying keep your mouth closed unless you need to, but when you have to make sure that what comes out of it is thought out and useful (note to myself).
lesson learned.
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