love is...

love is a phenomenon. it's one word. it's four little letters. it's the biggest controversy of mankind. It's undefined. But to me it's is like faith, it's meaningless until you admit it, it's pointless until you're ready to put your hope in it. It's irrelevant until you use it. You can love something more than the world, but until you admit it, its nothing....therefore its about taking chances, risks, jumping. Which is why sometimes love is merely a secret, self-kept, a one way street only you know you're walking. love is like gravity, you can't help it. It's inward bias on certain aspects of life. You don't choose it, it chooses you. Your actions however, you choose. You can choose to ignore love. You can choose to ignore hate, and like a conscience, you'll slowly become dull to it, but its still there. That being said, love is permanent. if it leaves, you only liked. if you love, it will always have a spot in your heart, empty or full. love is a coincidence, a coincidence in the fact that there's actually the odds of "those" two people meeting. love is a tree. it grows as a relationship grows. The more you find out about the other person, the deeper the roots go, the higher the top reaches, the farther the branches spread. love is a result of the little things in between. It's the person on the other end of the phone at 4am, it's the friend you pass in the hallway and smile to, it's the actions that touch another's life. It's the cliche in all the lyrics, its letting go of something you'll always long for, it's turning the other cheek, its hanging up when you know you should, its saying no when you want to say yes, its honesty and sometimes lying. Love is the first kick of an unborn baby. It's a smile on the faces of those around you. Love is making mistakes but moving on. It's not a maturity thing. Newborns know the meaning of love. Love is staying up late because you just can't sleep. Or playing that one song over and over and over and over. It's underestimated ...It's definitions are non-terminating. But this is love.
my love.
my love.
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