there's a heart on my sleeve

there's this shirt i sometimes wear. I got it at pac sun in the outlets in california. It's a very simple shirt, yet it's one of my favorites because there's a heart sewn into the sleeve of one of the arms. Every time i wear it people ask me why i drew a heart on my sleeve, but then realize that it is in fact sewn on, and not even by me. I remember i bought it and didn't even realize that there was a heart on it, and then i saw it and was like "woah, look at that"....
point of all that was, i don't really speak my mind anymore. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve like i used to....over the years i've become more and more and more closed. Honesty hasn't gotten me very far, not that i lie a lot now...but i've learnt to keep my mouth shut more and more and more. I'm not forward like that anymore. I used to straight up let you know there was a problem, or would make it painfully obvious that i liked someone etc etc. My life was black and white. But i've made it so that my life is very very very grey. Nobody reeeaalllyyy knows what's going on (besides my close friends of course). But ask me something and i'll ill make the answer as grey as i can, just so that nothing can be held against me, nothing is final, and my true feelings aren't exposed. When people ask me what's wrong, i'll say nothing, or that i don't want to talk about it...i always used to ramble on and on and on and on about the stuff that was bugging me. I just don't have the energy to do it anymore.
I don't wear my heart on my sleeve anymore
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